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연합뉴스 (yonhap)

美 휘터커 법무대행, '화웨이 기소' 발표

epa07328421 Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker (C) speaks beside US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross (L) and US Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen (R) during a news conference held to announce law enforcement action related to Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. of China, at the Justice Department in Washington, DC, USA, 28 January 2019. Officials from the US Justice Department, US Department of Homeland Security and US Commerce Department attended the news conference to announce criminal charges related to Chinese telecommunications conglomerate Huawei. US authorities announced a thirteen-count indictment charging four defendants; Huawei, two Huawei affiliates and Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS


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