기자 사진


The headline of Donga's December 5th edition ('We came to Pittsburg to kill Dr. Hwang'). It quotes Dr. Park Jong-hyuk's testimony against MBC, which he made during his interview with YTN in Pittsburg. But, the producers of MBC's 'PD Notebook' insisted that they did not talk about 'killing Dr. Hwang'.

The headline of Donga's December 5th edition ('We came to Pittsburg to kill Dr. Hwang'). It quotes Dr. Park Jong-hyuk's testimony against MBC, which he made during his interview with YTN in Pittsburg. But, the producers of MBC's 'PD Notebook' insisted that they did not talk about 'killing Dr. Hwang'.

ⓒDonga Ilbo2006.03.27

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