기자 사진


Yuko Tojo ponders in front of the portraits of her grandfather in Tokyo July 26, 2005. The girl in the picture in the background is herself when she was two years old. Tojo, who became a symbol of wartime militarism for many both in and outside Japan, was hanged for war crimes in 1948. He is also one of 14 Class A war criminals honored at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine.

Yuko Tojo ponders in front of the portraits of her grandfather in Tokyo July 26, 2005. The girl in the picture in the background is herself when she was two years old. Tojo, who became a symbol of wartime militarism for many both in and outside Japan, was hanged for war crimes in 1948. He is also one of 14 Class A war criminals honored at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine.

ⓒReuters/Toru Hanai2005.08.22

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