TAEKO TERAMAE: Hiroshima A-bomb survivor, sitting at the riverbank inside the Peace Memorial Park, in front of the remains of the A-bomb Dome. On the 6th of August 1945 Teramae was a third-year high school student and worked part-time in Hiroshima Central Telephone Office. She was at work when the bomb fell and was badly injured by broken glass which destroyed her right eye.

TAEKO TERAMAE: Hiroshima A-bomb survivor, sitting at the riverbank inside the Peace Memorial Park, in front of the remains of the A-bomb Dome. On the 6th of August 1945 Teramae was a third-year high school student and worked part-time in Hiroshima Central Telephone Office. She was at work when the bomb fell and was badly injured by broken glass which destroyed her right eye.

ⓒANDRONIKI C.2005.08.03

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