Technigue of walking

Body using manual

검토 완료

엄태경(malchus)등록 2007.06.14 09:13
For good walking, prepare a pair of running shoes of which the bottom piece has entirely no slope. If there were commercialized products, it is better to put on the shoes of which the front of bottom piece is a little bit higher than the back. This front high shoe helps people to get a healthy pose naturally without any effort. It is easy to know that hilled shoes make the center of body go more front and down side. Riding on an entrance of a going up escalator with a pose of forward curved waist and straight back, strained region goes up more and more from hips to the pit of the stomach.

Let's look around the most important 2 factors in walking.

First, after making the knee and the calf of backward going leg entirely straight, let this leg go forward and the walking speed should be a little bit slow. This way of walking make most of muscles be used and blood be circulated every nook and corner, helps the waist to be forward curved and the back to be straight or forward curved, and People, who used to get tired easily eventhough they walked a little bit, not get tired easily.

Second, walk with putting a higher view point than front side. There are many people who have a difficulty in putting a view point even to the front side. The reason why people who have forward tilted back can’t make their back be straight easily is that they have not only forward tilted back but also backward curved shoulder bones and ribs. “Homework to return to origin” make the neck bone, the back bone, the shoulder bones and the ribs come back to the birth conditions. Getting back to the birth conditions, people can put a view point with an angle of around 20 ~ 30 degree.

Statistically, people who live on the hill or in 3~4 floor apartment without elevator go hospitals rarely than normal people, and the foot diseases of Africans who live without shoes are only approx. 3% of the total orthopedic diseases, but approx. 60% in westernized societies. If possible, restrain using elevators and escalators and use upstairs and uphill roads delightfully.

keeping upper 2 factors, people are able to have feelings of strain in the pit of the stomach, and have feelings of supple movements in the knees, hips, waist and back. Walking unintentionally, people are able to know whether they are getting a good pose or not, by confirming their pit of the stomach being strained.
ⓒ 2007 OhmyNews
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